• AKZENT Hotel Schranne im Frühjahr

Welcome to the Akzent Hotel SCHRANNE in Rothenburg

Welcome to the Akzent Hotel SCHRANNE family business since 1960 in Rothenburg

Our hotel with its 48 rooms is located directly within the historic old town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. We are within walking distance of all major sights, at the same time in close proximity to cycling, hiking and jogging paths as well as optimal and varied motorcycle routes – in the beautiful region of Franconia.

Spend a relaxing, climate-neutral stay with us, in a central yet quiet location in the middle of a magical city. Whether in spring, summer or at the wonderful Christmas market the “Rothenburger Reiterlesmarkt,
We look forward to your visit in the hotel. Try our regional specialties in our restaurant
, our terrace or in the beer garden.

Your Meinold family and team


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Mit Andreas Michl & Markus Meinold


Our restaurant with Franconian  and sesonal dishes is open daily during the season

from 11:00  a.m -9:15 p.m

open for you.

Beer garden served until 10 p.m.

In our cozy restaurant and in summer in our Schrannengarten, we offer you home-style cuisine with Bavarian and Franconian specialties from our own production.

Entdecken Sie die historische Altstadt Rothenburg ob der Tauber mit unseren Arrangements


Are you looking for something special? We have put together original offers for you, be it for special occasions, romantic anniversaries or for Rothenburg festivities – let yourself be inspired and surprised!

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Our rooms

In our hotel area there are 46 classified hotel rooms available. The number of multi-bed rooms is variable and up to a maximum of 15 rooms is possible. With the option of a climate-neutral overnight stay, you can actively participate in environmental protection.

The entire hotel and restaurant complex is equipped with a high-quality fire protection system in accordance with current regulations and a safety lighting system (in the event of a power failure, the corridors and stairwells are illuminated for at least 8 hours).

Radeln vor historischer Kulisee in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Cycling above the Tauber

Whether with your own bike:
 explore Rothenburg, the Taubertal or all of Franconia from the Hotel Schranne in Rothenburg!

As a certified partner of Bett + Bike, we are also well prepared for the special requirements for your cycling holiday.

Gruppenreisen in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Rothenburg as a group experience

Come to us with your club – travel group – family reunion. As an experienced partner, we can also offer you the right framework for your group.

Motorradfahrer Willkommen im AKZENT Hotel Schranne

Welcome motorcyclists!

Nature, culture and wine combined with great driving fun. Curves – and varied routes through the valleys of Tauber – Jagst – Main and Kocher – or simply along the romantic road, the castle road and of course into the Franconian wine region.

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Hiking in the region in and around Rothenburg ob der Tauber

13 circular hiking trails start and end at Rothenburg’s market square – and thus form the perfect starting point for your discovery tour! From short stretches down to the Taubergrund, to extensive hiking routes through valleys and over hills.

Our offers

Schlemmern, Schlummern, Schampus schlürfen...

Schlemmern, Schlummern, Schampus schlürfen…

Im „sonnigen Süden“ findet jeder etwas nach seinem Geschmack vom fränkischen „blauen Zipfel“ über den „schwäbischen Zwiebelrostbraten mit Kässpätzle“, bis hin zum „Bodensee – Felchen“.

  • 1 x Übernachtung im Doppelzimmer inkl. Frühstücksbüfett
  • 1 x regionaler Schampus auf dem Zimmer
  • 1 x spritziger Auftakt
  • 1 x typisch Schlemmen in 4 Gängen mit jeweils passenden Weinen und einem Verdauerle

ab 99,00 € Details & Buchen

Rothenburg erleben

Rothenburg erleben

Gültig bis 22.12.2021

Entdecken Sie Rothenburg, das einzigartige Juwel des Mittelalters am Schnittpunkt der Burgenstrasse und der Romantischen Straße. Herausragende Bauwerke wie das Rathaus, die Stadtmauer mit Wehrgang und Befestigungsanlagen, die St. Jakobs Kirche mit Riemenschneider Altären, die mittelalterliche Wehrkirche St. Wolfgang und die Franziskanerkirche kündigen vom Glanz reichsstädtischer Vergangenheit wir laden Sie ein zu einem Spaziergang durch das Mittelalter……

  • 3 x Übernachtung mit Frühstücksbüffet
  • 1 x 0.7l Flasche Mineralwasser in Ihrem Zimmer am Tag der Anreise
  • 3 x 3-Gang Abendmenü
  • 1 x Stadtführung durch Rothenburg ob der Tauber oder 1 x Geisterführung mit dem Henker
  • 1 x Besuch Rothenburg Museum

Sollte eine angebotene Leistung nicht möglich sein – bieten wir Ihnen einen Ersatz an.

ab 215,00 € Details & Buchen

Rosentage bei AKZENT

Rosentage bei AKZENT

Die AKZENT Hotels bieten Ihnen romantische Tage vom Feinsten. Lassen Sie sich von uns verwöhnen und umsorgen. Genießen Sie traute Zweisamkeit und gemeinsam ein unvergessliches mit vielen Überraschungen gespicktes Arrangement.

  • 2 x Übernachtung im mit Rosen dekorierten Doppelzimmer inkl. Frühstücksbüfett
  • 1 x Edelrosenstrauß und eine Flasche Sekt im Zimmer
  • 1 x 4-Gang-Candle-Light-Menü am romantisch mit Rosen dekorierten Tisch
  • 1 x AKZENT-Rosencocktail
  • 1 x „süßes“ Abschiedspräsent je Paar

ab 149,50 € Details & Buchen

Biker Days

Biker Days – Mein Motorrad und ich erobern das Frankenland

Wir laden Sie ein zu einem Spaziergang durch das Mittelalter sowie zu erlebnisreichen Ausfahrten ins Frankenland und angrenzende Hohenloher Land. Das tauber-, jagst und Maintal erwarten sie.

  • 2 x Übernachtung mit Frühstücksbüffet
  • 1 x Flasche 0.5l Mineralwasser in Ihrem Zimmer
  • 2 x 3-Gang Abendmenü
  • Routenvorschläge für Ihre Ausfahrten
  • 1 x Stadtführung durch Rothenburg ob der Tauber
  • Motorradparkplatz

Serviceleistungen als klassifizierter, motorradfreundlicher Hotel- und Gaststättenbetrieb.

ab 148,00 Details & Buchen

An overview of the sights in Rothenburg

Sehenswürdigkeiten im historischen Rothenburg ob der Tauber


town hall

The star of the market square ensemble is the historic town hall, consisting of a rear Gothic part (1250 – 1400) and the front Renaissance building (1572 – 1578). The observation platform of the town hall tower, which is accessible at a height of 60 meters, can be reached via the main entrance.


St. Jacob’s Church

The Gothic St. Jacob’s Church from the 14th century is located in the heart of the old town and is the destination of many pilgrims.

Particularly worth seeing are the high Gothic Holy Blood altar with the masterful carvings by Tilman Riemenschneider, the Ludwig von Toulouse altar also by Riemenschneider, as well as the twelve messenger altar by Friedrich Herlin.


Blasius Chapel in the Burggarten

The chapel has been preserved as an important part of the Romanesque palace in the rear castle. From 1397 to 1400, Mayor Heinrich Toppler had the building converted into a sacred space and decorated with wall paintings.


Franciscan Church

In 1285 the oldest church in the city was built in the early Gothic style. Connoisseurs and friends of Gothic craftsmanship can also admire a work by Tilman Riemenschneider here – the Franziskus Altar.


Markus tower and Rödertor

The Markus Tower is not only one of the oldest buildings in the city, but also belongs to the most famous motifs of the city in the overall collection of Markus Tower, Rödertor and Röderbrunnen. It was built in the 12th century and was part of the first city wall. The pillory on the southern part of the tower still testifies to its function as a prison tower until the middle of the 19th century.


St. Wolfgang Church and Blade Bastion

Behind the blade tower is the late Gothic St. Wolfgang Church or Schäferskirche. It is a fortified church with underground casemates and a historic gun floor.



With a drawbridge and 7 gates, the hospital bastion built in the 16th century is the most imposing bulwark in the city. It is shaped like an eight, in the heart of which is the Hegereiterhaus, which is well worth seeing.


Walkable city wall

The city wall is located around the historic old town of Rothenburg. Initially built mainly from the destroyed Hohenstaufer Reichsburg, in the course of time own quarries near the city were developed. Today the historic battlements invite you to explore.

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Climate neutral accommodation

Do you still buy electrical appliances without energy efficiency A? And what is the energy efficiency of your next hotel?

Viabono Germany has classified us with A

Climate in Rothenburg

On the Romantic Road to Rothenburg o.d.T.

Our gift vouchers

Surprise your loved ones with a voucher for the Hotel Schranne in the heart of Rothenburg ob der Tauber!

Ihr Weg nach Rothenburg

Hier liegt Rothenburg ob der Tauber
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